With India's 35 years of sobriety (21 years in a program and 14 years in sovereignty) and her unique approach and methodology she has created a program in which she comes to you and your family. Understanding your entire family unit is extremely important if radical shifts are what your family is desiring. There is a reason why traditional treatment centers don't work, with an alarming rate of 40%-60% relapsing (while still in the program!).
As a seer and behavioral tracker, India has witnessed for decades why people don't, can't or won't stay sober/clean. She knows first hand how to maintain her own sobriety when she experiences crisis, present and past. In addition, her background in hiring professionals for companies for over 20 years - it is important that there are results, not a revolving door.
For a limited time, India will be taking on private clients as well; as one on one sessions which focus on shadow work/play and not talk therapy.
Individuals MUST be clean and sober.
Please call, email or text for a free 30 minute consult HERE
While India’s methodology does not change, she does tailor her private sessions to the individual and/or the family unit – there is not a one method solution for all, especially if addiction or alcohol are the behaviors that are causing disharmony within oneself or the family unit as a whole. There are many things she analyzes and reviews when one of a family is being considered for private work and therefore she offers a free 30 minute session.
Please note: if you are seeking someone to work with you and/or your family, who is going to tell you what you want to hear (self avoidance), she is not that person.
If you want to feel better in your own skin and are willing to dive into the dark sea within - seeking the treasure of who you are in all your shadow, in order to bring it towards the light, of who you are – she is that person!
India has always held the space of confidentiality, even in her youth. She understood decades ago, that sharing information that is not hers to share is only gossip and not a practice she ever wanted to participate in and therefore didn’t and still does not.
Whether you hold office - God forbid (what a job!), take center field in the World Series, studied all your lines for a Box Office Hit, or are the CEO of a Fortune 100 company, it's not relevant to India, nor to her work. Your outer world is not applicable to your healing process, rather the condition of your inner world is!
In any session that is held with India - there is an agreement between her and all individuals participating, that nothing will be shared out of the session, or group, with or between anyone. If there is no trust there can be no healing!
These experiences & sessions are of deep work, growth and radical shifts and Absolute Trust and Transparency are key in creating the life changing shift you (and/or your family) are seeking.
A safe, confidential space will always be provided, and India will not share any information, personal, material or experiential with anyone without your written consent.
I learned more about my true self in the 2 days of India's workshop than I have in my 36 years of life on this planet. I have gained confidence, compassion for myself, and an excitement for life that I've been lacking. I am forever grateful for this work.
- Nicki McK.
The Soul Pod is a seperate online community for Gods (male) & Goddesses (female), from all over the world, who want to be of service, in healing, to themselves and others.
The Soul Pod is a place to both give and receive. You will see the world through a new lens of self-discovery and learn powerful techniques for self reflection and healing.
Each separate Workshop | Virtual Guided Experience | Retreat group will come together to share monthly, as I facilitate and you do your shadow work and healing. You are consciously choosing to be a part of a community, a sisterhood or brotherhood of energy, in learning, growing, sharing, receiving, expanding in your journey.
This is the community of souls, who can support you in your growth and process, the very support that most are lacking and why sustaining change is difficult for most.